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Professor Dr. Genxi Li
School of Life Sciences
Nanjing University
163 Xianlin Avenue, Qixia District
Nanjing 210023, P. R. China
Tel/Fax: +86-25-89682331
E-mail: genxili@nju.edu.cn
Website: http://genxililab.nju.edu.cn


Genxi Li's Lab locates in the Building of Life Science School at the main campus of Nanjing University , mainly in room A201 -- A206.

The research interests of our lab include biosensors, especially electrochemical biosensor, colorimetric biosensor, nano-based biosensor; biological analysis, mainly towards disease marker proteins, DNA and cells with clinical implications; as well as the related research areas, such as bioelectrochemistry, molecular recognition and interaction, molecular assembly and engineering, protein chemistry and engineering, nano-biology and nano-medicine, surface modification and characterization, molecular probe and label, signal transduction and amplification, etc.


Maintained by Tianci Zhou   (1647786811@qq.com) Page last modified : 03-04-2024

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Genxi Li Lab Nanjing University